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Sun, 10 Dec



The Higher Heart & the Superhelix Activation

With Anna Indra Larsson, Lovisa Alvtörn & Tim Whild

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The Higher Heart & the Superhelix Activation
The Higher Heart & the Superhelix Activation

Time and location

10 Dec 2023, 19:00 – 20:30 CET


About the event

Date: Sunday December 10, 2023

Time: 7 pm - 8.30 pm Central European Time (CET)

Cost: 255 SEK (Approx. 22 EUR, 23 USD, 18.5 GBP)

Atha Atha AthaRa Arah – Divine Perfection in Form

Anna, Lovisa and Tim have met in person on several occasions and now they have been called to co-create a truly transformational event together: The Superhelix Activation of our Divine Crystalline DNA. 

When Tim, Lovisa and Anna came together at the Heart of the North in Old Uppsala, Sweden, in May, keys and codes within their Higher Hearts ignited. This opened up a dormant portal to the magical Rose Galaxy, connected via the Cosmic Heart directly to the Heart of Source, and the information regarding this event started to flood in … 

In August Lovisa, Anna and Tim met again; this time at the Heart Chakra of the world on Glastonbury Tor, UK, where yet another powerful activation took place. Over the past months, we have seen powerful heart and higher heart activations taking place for all of humanity. Now the message from the higher realms is that we are ready for a big jump on our ascension pathways! 

Supervised by a pure Light Being coming through via the Rose Galaxy: Ava Elohim from the Heart of Source, and the Soundmasters of Neptune, Tim, Lovisa and Anna will guide you through a powerful and transformational crystalline DNA activation in a guided visualisation. Within this visualisation Anna will be adding divine mantras and sounds in the form of Golden Sound Keys.

The key number in this activation is the number 144.000. There are 144.000 Crystalline DNA Light Codes that need to be reignited and released from within our current, compressed DNA, to activate our Crystalline DNA System. When this takes place, Ava Elohim states – we will become Divine Perfection in Form! 

Are you ready for the next level of embodiment of your Soul Light here on Earth? Can you feel the response in your Higher Heart when you read these words? Join us on for this very high level service work for our planet in a magical, beautiful and transformational activation of Your Crystalline Self. 

This  workshop will be done LIVE via Zoom, and a link to the recording  sent  out to all participants the following day. The recorded version is  just  as powerful as the live event so don’t worry if you miss it!

Atha Atha AthaRa Arah, Wahe IaRa.

Love Anna, Lovisa & Tim

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